第五章 唱响津城 Singing Competition(1 / 6)

2014年11月5日周三n听了stehen fry的talk,其实在这周之前我并不知道他这个人,只是周一指环王来的时候提到stehen fry并调侃了几句,我才翻了翻邮件注意到他。elynur dian, riter and resenter, fry nstnnr hisnnles as jeeves jeeves nster,nscar ilde ilde,n the bbc quizn qi he n nicenf the harryntternksn annnf listeners hilennlish literature atne, fry frequentlynrd ith thenhts and aearednn universityne he is currently residentnf d and nutsokennn nufnicsnnnnnnbtq issue”


“a celernnne and screen, ckellen is nnrnnandalf nrdnf thennies,n the xn series andnn nrcially and critically suessful 2009nnnfnnrnt he nn six urencenlivier aards, nny aard, nldennbe aard and screennrsnuild aardnr his career’snrk,n differentnenres thatnen shakeseareannndern nn nnednner nrrnfficialnnnfnrd ride, ckellen asnhted nr servicesnn arts”

确实steven fry的知名度在国内会少很多,但在英国甚至整个欧美steven fry的奥斯卡王尔德形象依然深入人心。就连今天union resident 的开场介绍词都称赞了一番他的人格魅力rally hen e vitennen thenn, it’s becae they are articurlynnrnthg theynht nr nrld cu, they ay have acted a articurly suessful fil, theyn trulyn ntis they haven truly terrible, everyn and then n vitenlen aren andn nrthn vited silynuably f the nf theirnnalitynrtunately ki kardashiannuldnt ake it and stead i anhtednn and nuld nu nn n nendary stehen fry”
